How to choose the best type of pedicure armrest for your chair

Only a few people realize the importance of a pair of quality and comfortable pedicure armrests. The material they are made of, as well as the designs, are among the most important factors that significantly affect a customer’s experience when using a pedicure chair. Check out our tips below on choosing a good armrest material for your pedicure chair.

Using pedicure armrests made from laminated wood

The most noticeable advantage of this material is that it makes your armrests look shiny thanks to the laminated cover. However, after only 12-18 months in use, this layer will be gradually torn out and visibly damaged. This makes the pedicure armrests look unpleasant, not to mention the materials itself has a cheap appearance from the beginning.

In addition, laminated wood is usually not acetone-resistant, so there is a higher chance that the armrests will turn bad very soon after being used for just a short while.

Also, avoid chairs that have plastic armrests with laminated wood as the cover- this disastrous combination is very likely to make an impression as unprofessional on your clients.

Using leather for your pedicure armrests

Leather can be a good option at first, since it usually matches the seat’s material and color, giving your chair a synchronized appearance. Some salon owners also think the leather is perfect for resting your arms on and it provides a good level of comfort. However, just like laminated wood, your leather armrest has a higher risk of being damaged than any other material.

When the leather becomes brittle and torn, the whole look of your chair will be ruined. Nobody wants to sit on a chair that looks severely damaged on the outside, so leather should not be recommended in a long run.

Some armrests only have leather as the covers, which is still a good thing, since you can replace the cover with an intact one. However, some chairs even have their armrests 100% made from leather (not only the top but the body as well), meaning that you have to replace the whole thing with a new pair of armrests when they get ruined- which can be costly. 

Armrests that are made from fiberglass 

This material is very recommended by many experts. It is a combination of resin and glass fibers, which creates a fiber-reinforced plastic and offers great durability. Products made from fiberglass are heavy but strong and less brittle, so it is commonly used in construction, building aircraft and boats,... In comparison to laminated wood, this material is undoubtedly better for making armrests in terms of durability and stability.

Fiberglass pedicure armrests

Most ideally, your pedicure armrests should be made from fiberglass and coated with acetone-resistant paint, so that they are able to withstand any types of chemicals that can cause damage to your chair.

Pedicure armrests, like pedicure chairs and bowls, are widely available in the market in various designs. Therefore, you need to take the time to learn to choose a quality chair that can make clients happy when using the service at your salon. Don't forget to check out our blog every week for new posts!

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